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LUP does not publish fiction, poetry, or textbooks. We are an academic press publishing the results of original research. We look for monographs that are clearly conceived, sharply focused, thoroughly researched, logically organized, fully documented, and crisply written.

If you have a manuscript that is nonfiction, intellectually substantive, and whose format conforms to The Chicago Manual of Style we would be pleased to receive a proposal accompanied by a curriculum vitae, and a sample chapter. Please see our submission guidelines.

Working in partnership with Rowman & Littlefield, Lehigh University Press follows a multi-tiered process to ensure the high quality and scholarly value of all our monographs. Once a proposal and accompanying materials have been accepted, we ask to see the author's full manuscript. If we think that the project has promise, the manuscript will then move into a double-blind peer review process to be evaluated by two scholars with expertise in relevant fields of study. If the reports are positive, we request a plan for revision from the author based on the readers' feedback. After we receive the revision plan, the LUP Editorial Board will discuss the project and vote on issuing the author a contract for publication. All contracts are contingent on authors fulfilling their plans for revision, and we conduct a careful in-house review of revised manuscripts. Once approved, revised manuscripts are then sent to Rowman & Littlefield for production. The covers of our books are designed in-house at Lehigh to ensure that all LUP titles have a distinctive, eye-catching, and polished look.

As with sales, Rowman & Littlefield handles distribution of review copies. Review copies are available to review editors and reviewers. Copies will be sent to publications entirely at R&L's discretion. For any questions regarding review copies, please e-mail reviews@rowman.com with your name, affiliation, and contact information.