The Life of Madeline Zabriskie Doty

Alice Duffy Rinehart, ed. and Anne Taylor Bronner, ed.

One Woman Determined is the biography of an early twentieth-century feminist, Madeleine Zabriskie Doty (1877-1963). It contains twelve chapters of her uncompleted autobiography supplemented by the editor's introductory chapters and continuation on Doty's accomplishments in the subsequent years 1925-63.


Doty was among the few early female lawyers. As a determined feminist and Enlightenment reformer she undertook some daring experiences in order to promote change, including a week as a purported convict in the State Prison for Women in Auburn, New York, so that she could expose prison conditions in the press and hopefully get them improved. As a reporter for New York newspapers during World War I she dared to travel behind the battle lines in Germany, and as a reported for Good Housekeeping she arrived in Russia at the time of the outbreak of the 1917 Communist Revolution. All of this she describes in her autobiography.


Some years after a serious love affair with noted writer David Graham Phillips, Doty became the first wife of the founder and first chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union, Roger Baldwin. From 1925-31 she served in Geneva, Switzerland, as first international secretary of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, raising money for its cause and editing its international bulletin.


In 1938 she founded and directed the first Junior Year in Geneva for American students. This program continues today under Smith College and so can be seen as her living legacy.

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Lehigh University Press - One Woman Determined to Make a Difference